Friends of Miami, Inc.Missouri River Township
Archived News and Events, 2001-2007
2016-2024 CALENDAR
Third SaturdayNext Meeting: NOTE: Call first. Meetings are subject to cancellation. Friends of Miami, Inc. 9:30 AM at the Museum.
Miami R-I students place in science competition, The Marshall-Democrat News, 3/8/2022. Friends of Miami is proud of these winners.
Friends of Miami mourns the passing of board member and husband of President Elson, Donald Gene Elson ~ Obituary, The Marshall-Democrat News, 8/19/2021. May he rest in peace.
Jocie Hirt and Mackenzie Eddy, 8th grade graduates from Miami R-1 School, participated in our 2020 essay contest. The topic was "Miami in the 1900s." Each was awarded $25, a certificate of appreciation, and a year's membership in the Friends.
Carlie Knotts won the 2019 8th grade school essay contest sponsored by the Friends with her essay on "Civil War Life in Miami, MO." She was awarded $50, a certificate and a one year membership to the Friends of Miami. Eight other contest participants -- Madisyn Cooper, Alleigh Davenport, Carson Eddy, Alexis Hirt, Aareyanna Larimore, Mikenna Riley, Lucas Summers, and Coltyn Wise -- were awarded a one year membership. The topic for 2020 has yet to be selected.
Andrew Taylor won the 2018 8th grade school essay contest sponsored by the Friends with his essay on "Blind Boone." He was awarded $50, a certificate, a medallion of Blind Boone, and a one year membership to the Friends of Miami. Five other contest participants -- McKinnah Clements, Logan Cooper, Jaiden Rader, Coreyonnia Robinson, and Gabby Smith -- were awarded a small monetary gift, a medallion, and a one year membership. The topic for 2019 has yet to be selected.
Friends of Miami regrets the passing of our board member and good friend William Hisle ~ Obituary, The Marshall-Democrat News, 10/29/2017. "He truly WAS Miami!" says President Elson.
Friends of Miami extends condolences to the family and friends of Haley Grace Browning ~ Obituary, The Marshall-Democrat News, 8/28/2017.
Friends of Miami extends condolences to the family and friends of long time rural Miami resident Dorothy M. Clements ~ Obituary, The Marshall-Democrat News, 2/15/2017.
Elizabeth A. Elson is the Interim Treasurer of Friends of Miami, Inc. Your donation and membership dues should be sent to Elizabeth A. Elson at P. O. Box 33, Miami MO 65344.
Karley Land won the 2016 school essay contest sponsored by the Friends. She was awarded $50, a certificate and a year's membership to the Friends at the 8th grade graduation ceremonies. Three other contest participants -- Devin Clark, Holly Barney, and Reagan Southard -- were awarded $5.00 each and a year's membership.
Friends of Miami is proud of Holly Barney, Miami R-1 student, who was recently honored at the District Convention of Lions in Warrensburg. ~ Miami student's art honored at Lions Club district convention, The Marshall-Democrat News, 4/1/2015
President Elson reported on preservation efforts by the Friends of Miami in the Northern Saline Progress Section of the paper edition of The Marshall Democrat-News, 2/20/15.
Board Member William "Bill" Hisle, charter member of the Miami Lions Club, was presented the Shining Star Award by Lions District Governor Gary Curtis. Billy Joe Narron received an award for sponsoring new members. The Miami Lion Club has one of the highest memberships in the district. See print edition of The Marshall Democrat-News, 12/15/14.
President Elson gave a presentation about the Friends of Miami mission and museum to the Rotary Club in Marshall on 10/23/2014.
Friends of Miami is proud of Marshall High School 2014 Homecoming Queen Merrah Harris, daughter of Miami residents Robert and Tina Harris ~ Story, The Marshall-Democrat News, 10/6/2014
Friends of Miami extends condolences to the family of Miami resident Brenda Taylor ~ Obituary, The Marshall-Democrat News, 6/9/2014
David Hamilton, author of Deep River: A Memoir of a Missouri Farm, will speak June 12 at 6:00 PM in the Marshall Public Library as a participant in the library's Missouri Summer Reading Program. Details, The Marshall-Democrat News, 5/20/2014
Miami honors 8th-grade graduates with ceremony | Friends of Miami is proud of this year's Miami R-1 graduates.
Preston Knotts won the 2014 school essay contest sponsored by the Friends with his essay on "the old doctor", A.H.W. Sullivan. He was awarded $50, a certificate and a year's membership to the Friends at the 8th grade graduation ceremonies. Seven other contest participants -- Hayden Chevalier, Tyler Driskell, Catlyn McCorkle, Taylor Petzoldt, Haylee Scheid, and Gracie Sloan -- were awarded $5.00 each and a year's membership. The topic for 2015 has yet to be selected.
Friends of Miami is proud of Kayla Elson ~ Academic Excellence Banquet honors Marshall students for achievement, The Marshall-Democrat News, 3/7/2014
Malta Bend American Legion donates $2,400 to Miami R-1 School, story by Kelsey Alumbaugh in The Marshall-Democrat News, 3/7/2014
Miami R-1 Award Winners
Friends of Miami is proud of Miami R-1 8th Grade Academic Award Winners
Friends of Miami offers condolences to the family of Dusty A. Reeves ~ Obituary
Miami Lions Club annual Hog Roast occurs July 27. More
Miami expects to host the Missouri River Canoe/Kayak Race July 23 and July 24. More
Museum Restoration Story, Missouri Association for Museums and Archives Newsletter, Spring 2013
Miami's 20th pre-4th celebration occurs June 29.
Marshall FFA Chapter celebrates successful year at annual banquet, story by Marcia Gorrell in The Marshall-Democrat News, 5/7/13
Miami's Nichole Davis and Kim Davis were members of the Letter Perfect Team winning the 14th annual Mid-Day Optimist Spelling Bee, story by Kelsey Alumbaugh in The Marshall-Democrat News, 3/12/13
Rebirth of Miami's community museum by Eric Crump, Editor, The Marshall-Democrat News, Progress: North Edition, 2/15/13 (in print)
Read President Elson's article in Missouri Association for Museums and Archives Newsletter, Spring/Summer 2012
Competitors boat to Miami during annual river race, story by Sarah Reed in The Marshall-Democrat News, 8/1/12
Miami expects to host the Missouri River Canoe/Kayak Race July 31 and August 1. See story in The Marshall-Democrat News, 7/25/12
Newscope: Fundraiser for cancer victim, story in The Marshall-Democrat News, 5/30/12
Saline County BBQ: Meet the junior fair queen candidates, story in The Marshall-Democrat News, 5/29/12
Bryant Eads won the 2012 school essay contest sponsored by the Friends with his essay on Civil War history in Miami and was awarded $50, a certificate and a year's membership to the Friends at the 8th grade graduation ceremonies. Four other contest participants -- Grant Driskell, Bailee Merchant, Scott Myers and Josh Petzoldt -- were awarded $5.00 each and a year's membership.
USPS announces plan to scale back rather than close small post offices, story by Eric Crump, Editor, in The Marshall-Democrat News, 5/13/12
Silver lining: 2011 flooding aftermath provides job opportunity, story by Marcia Gorrell in The Marshall-Democrat News, 5/11/12
Historic Preservation Commission reviews vanished towns, story by Sarah Reed in The Marshall-Democrat News, 4/15/12
Miami, the Little Town with the Big History, is the title of the article in Saline County North, a special enclosure in the print edition of The Marshall Democrat-News, 2/17/12. President Elson is interviewed on local history and genealogy and the ongoing preservation work of the Friends of Miami.
Global Ag Symposium set for January 26, story in The Marshall-Democrat News, 1/20/12 | Friends of Miami member Mendell Elson to be a panelist on Precision Farming
Stamp Out: USPS delay provides brief reprieve for local post offices, story by Maggie Menderski in The Marshall-Democrat News, 12/16/11 | Kudos to Friends of Miami Secretary and former Miami postmistress Shirley Malan!
Miami students vocalize holiday cheer, story by Sarah Reed in The Marshall-Democrat News, 12/7/11
2 Miami residents hurt when vehicle hits deer, story by Eric Crump, Editor, in The Marshall-Democrat News, 12/2/11
Miami Post Office receives proposal for closure, story by Maggie Menderski in The Marshall-Democrat News, 10/28/11
Grant application deadline looms for tourism funds, story by Sarah Reed in The Marshall-Democrat News, 10/27/11
State, federal officials visit Saline County to observe flood damage, story by Marcia Gorrell in The Marshall-Democrat News, 10/17/11
6-man team leads Missouri River 340 at Miami checkpoint, story by Eric Crump, Editor, in The Marshall-Democrat News, 10/11/11 -- MORE
Malta Bend and Miami fear stamp out, story by Maggie Menderski in The Marshall-Democrat News, 10/4/11
USPS notifies Arrow Rock Post Office of proposal to close, story by Eric Crump, Editor, in The Marshall-Democrat News, 10/4/11
As Big Muddy recedes, farmers assess damage to land, levees, story by Marcia Gorrell in The Marshall-Democrat News, 10/4/11
Former Miami postmaster signs up to keep local PO open, story by Maggie Menderski in The Marshall-Democrat News, 9/28/11
Corn harvest begins in county, story by Marcia Gorrell in The Marshall-Democrat News, 9/16/11
Residents fear loss of local post offices could doom towns, story by Maggie Menderski in The Marshall-Democrat News, 9/8/11
USPS holds public meeting on status of Blackburn Post Office, story by Maggie Menderski in The Marshall-Democrat News, 9/7/11
Four local post offices evaluated for closure, story by Maggie Menderski in The Marshall-Democrat News, 8/4/11
Area farmers, levee managers frustrated with Corps of Engineers, story by Marcia Gorrell in The Marshall-Democrat News, 8/2/11
Flood levels begin to ease but local levees continue to take a beating from Missouri River, story by Marcia Gorrell in The Marshall-Democrat News, 8/1/11
Guard soldiers pitch in to address sand boil problem, story by Marcia Gorrell in The Marshall-Democrat News, 7/19/11
Area levee districts using automatic sandbagging machine, story by Marcia Gorrell in The Marshall-Democrat News, 7/5/11
Flooding causes road closures, story by Maggie Menderski in The Marshall-Democrat News, 7/5/11
Waverly teen drowns Friday in Miami bottoms area, story by Eric Crump in The Marshall-Democrat News, 7/2/11 -- Obituary
Winners announced from Miami Independence Day activities, story by Sarah Reed in The Marshall-Democrat News, 7/2/11
Cleaver spends time at area farms and businesses, story by Marcia Gorrell in The Marshall-Democrat News, 6/30/11
Farmers watch swollen river and seep water as Corps releases more water, story by Marcia Gorrell in The Marshall-Democrat News, 6/23/11
Rural fire association and Miami council discuss fire protection issue, story by Sarah Reed in The Marshall-Democrat News, 6/14/11
Forecast includes chance for record Missouri River crests, story by Eric Crump in The Marshall-Democrat News, 6/7/11
Farmers keep a wary eye on the Mighty Missouri river, story by Marcia Gorrell in The Marshall-Democrat News, 6/6/11
Unpaid bills prompt Marshall to suspend Miami fire protection, story by Sarah Reed in The Marshall-Democrat News, 6/2/11
Kayla Elson is candidate for Saline County BBQ Junior Fair Queen, story in The Marshall-Democrat News, 5/25/11
Merrah Harris won the 2011 school essay contest with her Native American Essay and was awarded $50, a certificate and a year's membership to the Friends of Miami by President Elson at the 8th grade graduation ceremonies. Seven other contest participants -- Daniel Arends, Jocelyn Becker, Breanna Martens, Spencer Peel, Zach Petzoldt, Dawson Taylor and Joseph Ullrich -- were awarded $5.00 each and a year's membership. Native Americans in the Miami area was the topic this year and Civil War history in Miami is the topic for 2012.
Davis works several jobs as part of SAE, story by Marcia Gorrell in The Marshall-Democrat News, 5/16/11
Agriculture Towns Looking to Regenerate Prosperous Past, story by Nick Berry on in Columbia, 5/10/11
Junkyard Dispute Leaves Miami Powerless, story by Nick Berry on in Columbia, 5/9/11 ~ Video
Students get hands-on for Miami Science Fair, story by Sarah Reed in The Marshall-Democrat News, 3/8/11
Miami family loses almost everything in fire, story by Patrick Nolan in The Marshall-Democrat News, 12/17/10. Donations needed.
Dorothy Clements is among Century Farm owners honored, story by Marcia Gorrell in The Marshall-Democrat News, 11/4/10
River race features 'dragon boat', story in The Marshall-Democrat News, 8/25/10
The George Neal Jackson farm, a tract of more than 400 acres three miles east of Miami, has always played a very important part in the life of Betty Stone and her family members. Story by Marcia Gorrell in The Marshall-Democrat News, 1/12/10
On Sunday, December 13, after church, enjoy the community dinner at the community center sponsored by the City of Miami. Bring a dish to share.
Miami City Council accepts resignation of city clerk, bid for snow removal, story in The Marshall-Democrat News, 11/18/09
Missouri River 340 racers find hospitality in Miami, story in The Marshall-Democrat News, 8/6/09
Corn husking: Nichole Davis wins top honors in pie contest, story in The Marshall-Democrat News, 9/29/08
Clyde and Martha Ann Leimkuehler celebrate 50th anniversary, The Marshall-Democrat News, 9/12/08
Miami School library receives 'We the People' grant, story in The Marshall-Democrat News, 6/18/08
McDaniel Memorial Bridge Repair:
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 9/15/05
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 9/21/05
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 12/31/07
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 1/9/08
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 1/16/08
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 1/30/08
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 3/14/08
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 3/5/09
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 7/28/09
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 7/31/09
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 8/27/09
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 9/23/09
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 9/25/09
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 10/5/09 | Groundbreaking Video
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 10/20/09
October 26, 2009 from Macon MO: Miami Bridge Implosion Scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 27 -- Event to be held at 8 a.m.
A brilliant boom and cascading lights will once again reflect off the Missouri River as demolition begins on the Miami River Bridge on Tuesday, October 27, at 8:00 a.m.
Explosive charges will be strategically placed along sections of the bridge to maximize clearance of the steel structure without damaging the concrete piers. The piers will be used to support the new bridge once constructed.
The implosion can be viewed from the public river access area near the bridge. Two subsequent implosions will take place over the coming weeks.
The Miami River Bridge project calls for a partial replacement of the bridge. The overhead truss will be removed along with all the current decking and girders. When completed, the bridge will have new decking and girders and be 26-feet wide (11-foot lanes with 2-foot shoulders). The life expectancy of the new bridge is 50-plus years.
Last year, explosive charges were used successfully in the demolition of the Glasgow River Bridge, which was a project nearly identical to the Miami Bridge project. That project has since been completed.
For more information, contact the MoDOT District 2 Customer Service Center toll-free at 1.888.ASK MoDOT (275.6636) 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or visit the project's website at Miami Bridge Project.
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 10/27/09 | Bridge Demolition Begins
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 10/30/09
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 11/3/09
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 11/5/09 | Final Implosion scheduled for 11/11
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 11/11/09
MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2 pm, South End of the "new" McDaniel Memorial Bridge. Reception following ceremony hosted by the Friends at the Miami Community Center. Friends' Museum will be open. Bridge will officially re-open at 3 pm.
 The Marshall-Democrat News, 10/4/10 | Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Missouri Transportation Department:
Miami Bridge Project with OxBlue Construction Company Camera | Updated Photos, 5/19/2010

Sullivans Farms | Friends of Miami, Inc. | © 2001-25 | webmaster | Last update: 12/8/23