Timeline and Tasks
WHIP and CCRP/CP33 Work Ongoing
Last Web Update: 12/2/2019
For a comprehensive understanding of goals and objectives, please refer to NRCS Forester Joe Alley's WHIP Plan and Conservation Plan Map 1 revised to incorporate FSA CCRP/CP33 Practices. See also MDC Private Land Conservationist Brent Vandeloecht's Conservation Plan Map 2 and Joe Alley's Conservation Plan Map 3 -- Borders and Conservation Plan Map 4 -- Borders Update.

Note CRP Mid-Contract Management Chart (Fall 2006) from The Covey Headquarters (MDC, USDA-NRCS, University of Missouri Extension and Quail Unlimited): a) Burn warm season grasses 7/16 to 3/15, b) Disk 7/16 to 12/31, c) Spray warm season grasses 7/16 to 9/15.
All timber stand improvement work completed and approved 3/18/05.
Borders established and native warm season grasses planted 6/5/06.
Site visit approval October 2009.
Border management conference January 2010.
WHIP planned tasks completed September 2011. Maintenance continued. WHIP contract expired 2013. CRP contract expired 2016.
33301 -- 3.2Woody Cover Control, heavy: Detail3/18/2005
Maintenance and EnhancementOctober 2006
33302 -- 6.3Forest Stand Improvement, heavy: Detail3/18/2005
33303 -- 32.2Forest Stand Improvement, light: Detail3/18/2005
Woody Edge Development (2.3 acres): DetailOctober 2006
FSI Maintenance and Enhancement (2.2 acres)October 2007
Reseed native warm season grassesWinter 2007
FSI Maintenance and Enhancement (7.5 acres)October 2008
FSI Maintenance and Enhancement (7.5 acres)October 2009
FSI Maintenance and Enhancement (7.5 acres)October 2010
FSI Maintenance and Enhancement (7.5 acres)October 2011
33304 -- 9Forest Stand Improvement, heavy: Detail3/18/2005
33305 -- 1.7Permanent Forest Opening: Detail3/18/2005
33306 -- 0.6Conservation Cover/NWSG: Detail6/5/2006, Clements
Maintenance and EnhancementOctober 2006
NWSG -- sprayFall 2010
Habitat Development/ManagementFall 2010
33309 -- 5.3Forest Stand Improvement, medium: Detail3/18/2005
Maintenance and EnhancementOctober 2007
33310 -- 1.7Forest Stand Improvement, medium: Detail3/18/2005
33311 -- 6.8Forest Stand Improvement, medium: Detail3/18/2005
Maintenance and EnhancementOctober 2010
1 -- est. 22 (correction to 26.2)

Total conservation acreage from Field 1 is 11.0

Border Management Map 2007
Field Border 120' wide (WHIP, 30' and CCRP/CP33, 90')6/5/2006, Clements
Conservation Cover/NWSG (1.8 acres)6/5/2006, Clements
Conservation Cover/NWSG (9.2 acres) CCRP/CP336/5/2006, Clements
NWSG -- spray north/west bordersFall 2010
Habitat Development/Management (north/west)Fall 2010
NWSG -- spray south/east bordersFall 2011
Habitat Development/Management (south/east)Fall 2011
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