Dorothy Sayers Bibliography |
The Account of Lord Mortimer Wimsey, the Hermit of the Wash | 1938 |
Begin Here: A Wartime Essay | 1940 |
Busman's Honeymoon: A Detective Comedy (with Muriel St. Clare Byrne) | 1937 |
Busman's Honeymoon: A Love Story with Detective Interruptions | 1937 (LP) |
Catholic Tales and Christian Songs | 1918 |
Christian Letters to a Post-Christian World: A Selection of Essays (Roderick Jellema, Editor) | 1969 |
Clouds of Witness | 1926 (LP) |
The Comedy of Dante Alighieri, in 3 volumes (Translator, with Barbara Reynolds) | 1949-1962 |
Creed or Chaos? | 1940 |
Creed or Chaos? and Other Essays in Popular Theology | 1947 |
The Days of Christ's Coming | 1953 |
The Devil to Pay | 1939 |
The Documents in the Case (with Robert Eustace) | 1930 |
The Emperor Constantine: A Chronicle | 1951 |
Even the Parrot: Exemplary Conversations for Enlightened Children | 1944 |
The Five Red Herrings | 1931 (LP) |
Four Sacred Plays: The Zeal of Thy House, The Devil to Pay, He That Should Come, The Just Vengeance | 1948 |
Further Papers on Dante | 1957 |
Gaudy Night | 1935 (LP) |
Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery and Horror (Editor) | 1928, 1931, 1934 |
The Greatest Drama Ever Staged | 1938 |
Hangman's Holiday | 1933 (LP) |
Have His Carcase | 1932 (LP) |
The Heart of Stone by Dante (Translator) | 1946 |
He That Should Come | 1939 |
Introductory Papers on Dante | 1954 |
In the Teeth of the Evidence and Other Stories | 1939 (LP) |
The Just Vengeance | 1946 |
Lord, I Thank Thee | 1943 |
Lord Peter: A Collection of All the Lord Peter Wimsey Stories (James Sandoe, Editor) | 1972 (LP) |
Lord Peter Views the Body | 1928 (LP) |
The Lost Tools of Learning | 1948 |
Love All: A Comedy of Manners Together with Busman's Honeymoon (with Muriel St. Clare Byrne and edited by Alzina Stone Dale) | 1984 |
Making Sense of the Universe | 1946 |
The Man Born to Be King | 1943 |
A Matter of Eternity: Selections from the Writings of Dorothy L. Sayers (Rosamond Kent Sprague, Editor) | 1973 |
The Mind of the Maker | 1941 |
Murder Must Advertise | 1933 (LP) |
The Mysterious English | 1941 |
The Nine Tailors | 1934 (LP) |
Op. I. | 1916 |
The Other Six Deadly Sins | 1943 |
Papers Relating to the Family of Wimsey | 1936 |
The Poetry of Search and the Poetry of Statement and Other Posthumous Essays on Literature, Religion and Language | 1963 |
The Story of Adam and Christ | 1953 |
The Story of Noah's Ark | 1956 |
The Story of Roland (Translator) | 1957 |
Striding Folly | 1972 (LP) |
Strong Meat | 1939 |
Strong Poison | 1930 (LP) |
Tales of Detection (Editor) | 1936 |
A Treasury of Sayers Stories | 1958 |
Tristan in Brittany by Thomas the Troubadour (Translator) | 1929 |
Unnatural Death | 1927 (LP) |
The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club | 1928 (LP) |
Unpopular Opinions | 1946 |
Whose Body? | 1923 (LP) |
Why Work? | 1942 |
Wilkie Collins: A Critical and Biographical Study (E. R. Gregory, Editor) | 1977 |
The Zeal of Thy House | 1937 |