It all started with a text from my friend. Let's call her Sharon for privacy's sake. The text was your normal, run of the mill "come to my birthday party" text. So I asked my mother, she said yes, and all was good. I'd only be gone for a weekend. What could possibly go wrong there?A lot, apparently.On Friday, once I had driven the hour or so there, of course, I met Sharon outside of her house. We were pretty happy to see each other because I lived far away from her and vice versa. She invited me in, showed me her house, and we decided to hang out in her room for a while. We did what any normal ten to eleven year olds would do. Look up stuff on the internet, watch Youtube, etc. After a while, again like any other ten to eleven year olds, we got bored.We debated on what to do for a while. Go on a walk? No, her street didn't have sidewalks and it was pretty busy at this time of day. Watch a movie? No one in her house has a television besides her mom, who was already watching Netflix. The only thing we could really do was continue to be bored or pressure her mom into taking us somewhere. You can probably guess which one we chose.Now, don't get me wrong, her mom was stubborn. Real stubborn. But nothing compares to two ten year olds that want to get out of the house. After a few minutes of bickering, she finally agreed to take us to the mall. Catch was, she was going to leave us there.So there we were, two children barely old enough to order anything not on a kid's menu, with no money, no supervision, and a lot of curiosity. We walked around that mall until our legs basically gave out. Only then did we realize, her mom never told us when she'd be back. We were kind of freaking out, calling her mom every millisecond, the usual stuff. It was about ten minutes till seven when we finally gave up and just sat outside, contemplating just walking back. We were about to do it until our saving grace finally pulled into the parking lot.I really wish someone would have gotten a picture of our faces, because it sure would have been hilarious to look back at the complete and utter relief that swept across our facial features. Her mom was finally, finally on her way to pick us up. The second we got in the car, we bombarded her with questions. "Where were you?" 's and "Why were you late?" 's were just flying around the cab of the car. The only explanation she gave was a shrug of her shoulders and a quick, "I lost track of time."Afterwards we went out to eat, went home, and that was the last time I have actually seen Sharon in person. I'm glad it was a fun time as well. |