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As our silver car pulls up to the new house, I wonder what my mom sees. The house, it's all kinds of brown. The front door looks like it was painted, and they forgot which color they were using halfway through. When we arrived, the moving trucks began to come shortly after. Here I am already running up the stairs to try and identify the best room in the house.

I walk into this room that has two windows, one small and the other big and bulky. Then I look over and see a body mirror sitting up against the wall. This is a perfect room for me. I then explain this to my mother, "This room, I can just feel it calling me."

She then nods "but on one condition," she states, "I want that body mirror."

I instantly go up to grab her the body mirror.

As I walk upstairs into my new room, I wonder why the body mirror looks like there is something behind it. I slowly grab the body mirror and slide it over. "There's a door!" I shriek. My smile goes away after I look at the door and it is old and rusty. "Still a door," I say out loud reassuring myself it's something great. I start to grab the rusty doorknob and turn it clockwise.

When I begin to open the door, vines start to emerge from the door. It's beautiful, I mumble to myself. As I walk inside there are trellises covered with white roses. Tulips are along the brick walls. Everywhere I look there are flowers with every color I could ever imagine. I start to wonder, wonder deep into my mind. All my problems in life about moving and starting over are gone, just for a moment.

My mind must've been in a trance, when I began to come back to reality the rusty door shut behind me. I was back in the same room with two windows, and a body mirror. Suddenly, I remember about the body mirror I was supposed to give my mom. As I walk into the living room and put the body mirror against the wall, I start to tell my mom everything. I begin to notice the fear on her face. She asks me to show her.

She then follows me up the stairs to see everything I'm going on about. As she starts to open the rusty door, all there is inside is a closet, a dirty cobwebbed closet. She looks at me and says, "You have one big imagination kiddo." I can feel the color slowly draining from my face. It hurts so much. What if she's right and it's all my imagination. My mom suddenly leaves my room.

I open the door once more just to see, but the white roses start to turn black. I then begin to look at all the flowers. They are all dying. This is all because of me. At that moment I realize this is all because of my imagination. My imagination is the key to all the flowers. If I really want to see all this beauty, I need to believe that there is beauty to begin with.

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