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I've Loved You In Blue
For my sister, Mary

Through the many colors of me, I've loved you in blue.
I've wondered, perplexed, at the love I had for you.
I've loved you in blue, with a chill at times,
or a warmth bright like the sun.
A blue so true, none could understand.
Through the many colors of me,
I've loved you in the coolness of streams and waters.
With the renewing blue of flowers.
The blue that changed night to day.
The blue of rainbows, promises along the way.
I've loved you in blue, with a brilliance of light
or streaming over seas and waters.
A blue so faint, you wondered at its hue.
A blue so true, it parted the sea, the sky
and reached for you.
I've loved you with colors of blue.
Naomi Wilford (Naomi Campbell -- © 2007)
Journey with God
I have journeyed through a life of wonder.
I've been perplexed by the powers of God.
I've prayed and praised, cried and feared.
And life for me has just begun.

What will the end be like?
When my anchor is no longer needed?
For I will be in the place prepared for me.
What will life be like in heaven?
A question so often asked.
A life of wonderful journeys completed
Yet just begun.

What wonders He holds in store for me.
How I will fear Him, and become perplexed by His Love.
His mighty power upholds me,
The anchor I prayed for, praised.
The one I wept upon.
I have journeyed through a life of years,
unknown by the vast expanse of time.
I've loved and learned, hated and failed.
And life for me has just begun.

I have journeyed seas of life,
Anchored to the One who holds.
I've drowned, been rescued.
Revived, to the life,
I've just begun.
Naomi Wilford (Naomi Campbell -- © 2006)
My Dad and Me
You're the part of me who loves long winter
snows, and I sound like you when I blow my
nose. I always remember at Grandma's house,
reading you the Penny book, and when you'd
doze off, sneaking around as quiet as a mouse.

When Mom would be gone, you'd do my ponytail,
And on Saturdays you'd fix pancakes as big
as the plate. And we would eat them for
brunch after sleeping so late.
And when you'd sing me songs on your lap,
like Me and My Teddybear and Lily of the
Valley, I loved it, cuz it was just my dad and me.

I remember eating popcorn out of the special
bowl and sneaking in your room
with a feather to surprise and tickle you.
And I remember me, always being too shy
to tell you I love you.
Naomi Ruth Wilford (Naomi Campbell -- © 2007, Published in "The Best Poems and Poets of 2002")
What's morning light?
Sneaking out of the bedroom
ignoring the creaks
I creep down the hall to my chair.
Not a sound do I make
as I tiptoe through darkness
sneak a peek at my indiglo,
do I dare?

Each day I awaken to the silence
of a morning that's never seen light.
Three o'clock, four o'clock
are my own precious hours
giving an end to what was once called
the middle of the night.

Yet I smile deep within
at the joy in my soul
knowing my babies lie still asleep.
Because of this calling I know
I'll survive, because not just anyone
has such blessings to keep.
Naomi Wilford (Naomi Campbell -- © 2005, Published in "The Best Poems and Poets of 2005")
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